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Lions International

Dear Lions Club Officer,

As your club prepares for annual elections and to welcome a new leadership team, use these helpful resources to get your incoming officers ready to take the lead.

  • Standard Club Constitution & By-Laws – This outlines the election process and describes key positions within the club structure as outlined in the Standard Club Structure. Immediately after your club completes its elections (and no later than May 15), your club secretary should report the incoming officers and directors.

  • Standard Club Structure – The sample structure includes the officers, board of directors and standing committees. It also provides an overview of a club’s layout.

  • Club Quality Initiative (CQI) – This is a strategic planning tool to help clubs identify opportunities for improvement. Change is critical for each club. By understanding our current operation, identifying areas that may be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish our goals, every club can be even better.

  • MISSION 1.5 – As your club develops a plan to foster membership growth and achieve MISSION 1.5, connecting with the incoming officers and membership committee is a great way to discuss your club’s strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow. In addition, reaching out to current members within the club will help enhance their experience as Lions.

    Change starts at the club – Introduce your club to some useful resources and utilize the tools provided to help it function effectively.

As you prepare for the elections, discussing the following important items with the candidates is key and helpful to a successful continuation within your club.

  • Review the incoming officers contact information in the Member Portal. As a club officer, you may need to help them update their information to ensure they have a unique, unshared email. Help us keep them in the loop by providing email addresses for future communications.

  • Review the service your club provided this year and discuss how your club can grow in service next year. Reviewing past service reports helps your club set realistic service goals and choose future service activities. Ensure your service is reported through the Member Portal to provide long-term service insight to future club officers. Visit the Service Reporting webpage for more information and contact if you have any questions.

Please contact us if you have any questions by phone at (630) 468-7084 or by email at

Thank you for your service and leadership!


Your District & Club Administration Division Support Team

This message was sent to Club Presidents, Club First Vice Presidents, and Club Secretaries.

Lions International

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