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Lions International

Dear Club President and Club Vice President,

As a leader, help your club achieve its goals. Lions International offers several great resources to help clubs and their members, so take some time to check them out. Review the Club Excellence Award criteria and see how your club is working towards achieving this award. The award can serve as your club’s roadmap to excellence, focusing on the key elements of a quality club: membership, service, organizational excellence and marketing. If you have any questions about the award, please contact us by email at or by phone at (630) 468-6828. In addition, take time to listen to the Achieving Club Excellence recording. This recording discusses the road to excellence and reviews proven strategies that will help clubs be even better.

The Club Quality Initiative (CQI) is a strategic planning tool that helps clubs identify opportunities for improvement. By understanding your current operations, identifying areas that can be improved and taking measured steps to accomplish your goals, your club can be even better. The CQI program offers you three suggested ideas for implementing the Club Quality Initiative.

As your club develops a plan for membership satisfaction and retention, connecting with the membership chairperson is a great way to help with planning, create enthusiasm and build the club’s membership. In addition, reaching out to members within the club and building teams that will help enhance their experience as Lions is key to success. Review the Membership Satisfaction Guide. This guide will help you troubleshoot common issues that members have in their experience as Lions. There are useful templates for quick surveys of club members to get a pulse on what they think of your club. This will help you identify areas that will improve the club experience. For questions regarding this resource, please contact our Membership Development Division at

If you are a Facebook user, visit us at Improving Lions Club Quality where you will find helpful information from Lions around the world. You can post questions, comments, stories and share new ideas to improve clubs within your zone.

We look forward to supporting you. Please contact us if you have any questions by email at or by phone at (630) 468-7084.


Your District & Club Administration Division Support Team

This message was sent to Club Presidents and Club First Vice Presidents.

Lions International

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